Day 3: Christmas Advent

  • Advent
  • 2 min read

Hope - A flickering light

“For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have?” — Romans 8:24
Hope is not a glaring spotlight, but rather a flickering flame. It's not an earth-shaking sound, but a small whisper. Our hope is built on the promises of God in His Word — pledges that His glory will fill the earth like water covers the seas ... even though we live in a world that often seems more dark than light.

The evidence of our hope can be very small. Sometimes not visible at all. But we can take comfort in the fact that Jesus — our King of Kings and Lord of Lords — appeared at one time, on the first Christmas night, as just a small baby in a manger. Just like a candle in the window or a lighthouse in the distance, hope is calling us home. Hope is calling us to a new tomorrow filled with light and life. 

During this Christmas season, let us treasure the beauty of the flickering light which is our hope — trusting that even this small light will be the beginning of a beautiful, powerful act of God.

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