Are You Ready for Battle? The Truth About Spiritual Warfare

Tim Brown - 2/23/2025

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Ephesians 6 - Sermon Transcript

Well, hey everybody, and welcome to Highlands Fellowship. If you're joining us in Marion, Bluefield, Bristol, here in Abingdon, online, or on TV, I am so excited that we get to spend some time together today.

If you happen to be new with us, I hope that you'll make yourself at home because Highlands is home. Today, we're finishing up our series in Ephesians. But before we jump in, next Sunday, we're starting a new series called It's Time to Prune. I encourage you to be here next week and invite a friend. I think it will be both challenging and encouraging as we go through it together.

The Book of Ephesians

Today, open up your Bible or Bible app to Ephesians 6. We've been in a six-week series, walking through this New Testament book one chapter per week. Most books in the New Testament are letters written to ordinary people like us. Paul wrote this letter to believers in Ephesus, a fast-paced, high-pressure environment much like today. Their sense of peace and identity was being chipped away.

Paul reminds them of the truth: In the first three chapters, he speaks about the character and nature of God—how He is loving, intentional, and chose us in advance, offering His grace through Jesus Christ. The last three chapters focus on how we should live in response to this truth. Understanding who God is should change how we see others, interact with them, and walk through life.

Spiritual Warfare: The Battle We Face

As we close with chapter six, Paul reveals a crucial truth—there is more happening behind the scenes than we might think. Most of us agree: Life is hard. The world is full of turmoil, and while we all recognize something is wrong, we don’t always agree on who’s to blame or how to fix it.

Paul tells us that life is hard because we have an enemy working against us. We are in a battle, a spiritual war that we cannot always see.

Be Strong in the Lord

Look at Ephesians 6:10: “Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.”

Notice Paul doesn’t say “get strong.” He says be strong, meaning it's not about our own strength, but about tapping into God’s power through the Holy Spirit. He tells us to put on armor—not a T-shirt or jacket, but armor—because we are in a battle.

Think about packing for a trip. If you’re heading to the beach, you pack flip-flops and swimsuits. If you’re going skiing, you pack coats and gloves. You prepare based on where you're going. Paul is saying, you need to be dressed for battle.

Know Your Enemy

Paul warns us in verse 12: “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world.” Our enemy is not the person we disagree with politically, or the co-worker we struggle with—it’s the unseen forces working to destroy us.

Satan is described as a roaring lion, prowling, hunting, waiting to strike when our guard is down. He doesn’t always make himself obvious, but he seeks to deceive and destroy.

Put on the Full Armor of God

Paul gives us the armor we need for battle:

  • Belt of Truth: Holds everything together. Truth from God's Word keeps us grounded.
  • Breastplate of Righteousness: Covers and protects our vital spiritual life.
  • Feet Fitted with the Gospel of Peace: Provides stability so we can stand firm.
  • Shield of Faith: Protects us from the enemy’s flaming arrows—doubts, lies, and temptations.
  • Helmet of Salvation: Protects our minds and reminds us of our identity in Christ.
  • Sword of the Spirit: The Word of God is our weapon against the enemy's lies.

Paul reminds us to stand firm. Unlike other areas in the Bible where we are told to flee (like from sexual sin), here we are told to stand our ground.

Prayer: Our Secret Weapon

Paul closes by urging us to pray in the Spirit on all occasions. Prayer is not a last resort; it’s our first and most powerful defense. James tells us that the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective.

Final Encouragement

Some of us have been in the battle, but we’ve grown weary. We’ve let our guard down. Maybe we feel like we don’t need our shield anymore because things seem to be going well. But if Jesus was attacked, why would we think we won’t be?

When Jesus began His ministry, Satan tempted Him after 40 days of fasting, when He was physically weak. Jesus resisted by using the Word of God—the same weapon available to us.

So I leave you with this question: Are you aware of the battle? Do you know who the real enemy is? Are you prepared?

Closing Prayer

Lord, we thank You for Your love. Thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who paid the penalty for our sins. As we’ve walked through the book of Ephesians, we’ve seen how this world tries to steal our peace and confuse our identity. But You remind us that You chose us in advance, offering grace through Jesus.

For those who don’t yet know You, I pray they would give their hearts to You today. For those already following You, I pray that we stay alert, put on the full armor of God, and prepare for battle. We trust in Your strength, not our own. Help us to stand firm and finish well.

We love You, we praise You, and we thank You for Jesus. In His name, we pray, and everybody said... Amen.

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